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  Hi, I'm Bill

I am currently working as a Professor of Computer Science in the Engineering and Information Technology Department at Bakersfield College, where I have worked for 26 years as of June 1, 2024.

In my time at Bakersfield College, I have worked as classified staff, faculty, and administration. I started out in a technical role, managing the college's web site. Since then, I've been a professor, a department chair, a Faculty Director of Technology, Innovation and Professional Development, a Dean of Instruction, and a Vice President. In the Fall of 2022, I returned to a faculty position, and have been enjoying my time back in the classroom. I continue to be drawn to positions of leadership, and still believe that I have something to offer students through service in that kind of role. I'm just waiting for the right opportunity.

In addition to the time I have worked at Bakersfield College, I have spent about 20 years as an Adjunct Faculty member for Pepperdine University in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology. I taught innovative classes on learning theory, action research, game theory, computational thinking, and other fun topics.

I'm also a husband, a father of seven, a tinkerer, an artist, and a pretty good cook. I love learning new things, challenging myself, and I believe that real change is possible in education. The concept of failure is an ongoing research and writing interest of mine, as it relates to learning, parenting and leadership.

  My Family

It typically doesn't take people very long to realize that my family is one of the most important things in my life. We're big, crazy, and diverse (in many ways - not just racially).  My wife, Dominique, and I started our family over 25 years ago, in 1998.  We were 22 and 21 years old at the time, and had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Now, we've spent the better parts of our life building our family, having adventures, and growing together, and I have to say – I can't think of a better way to have spent my life. We don't have all the answers to parenting or much of anything for that matter, but we've managed to stay curious, build our values together, and most days we all even like each other. ;-) 

I'm looking forward to what the future holds for all of us.

  Our Work in Haiti

My family has been involved in Haiti for the last 15+ years. We have worked with several non-profit organizations, mostly focused on working with education, women and children. The work that we do varies, but typically relates to the different abilities we have in our family. My work typically revolves around education and technology support. In 2011, we began the adoption process of our 7th child, who is from Haiti. He finally came home in the summer of 2014.


All 7 of our kids are competitive swimmers.  In the group we have Olympic Trials Qualifiers, Junior National Champions, and SEC and WAC champions, and NCAA All-Americans.


Our oldest started swimming at 5 years old, and just completed her MA in Industrial / Organizational Psychology, but swam through her undergraduate years at the University of Tennnessee (she is now retired from the sport).  Here is a video of her relay team winning SEC Championships (she swims 4th in the third lane from the bottom):

Here are some stats compiled by our second oldest at the end of his collegiate career:

- Length of career: 18 years  
- Number of workouts: 7,200  
- Time spent swimming: 12,000 hours  
- Total distance swam: 36,000,000 yards or 20,500 miles (the same as swimming from Los Angeles to New York and back 4 times)  
- Number of Laps: 1,440,000  
- Total strokes taken: 15,840,000  
- Swimsuits worn: 108  
- Total races: 1,296  
- Calories consumed: ∞

We love this sport, and it's great for big families because we can all go to the same swim meet, race and cheer each other on.